November 26

Experts Interview 101 – with Richard Viador


Let’s all learn from one of my Mentor, Sir Richard Viador.

Wow! , Today is our 4th Episode in Experts Interview 101.

If you haven’t watched the full interview of our past episodes, just click the link below:
Episode 1: Experts Interview 101 with Jon Orana

Episode 2: Experts Interview 101 with Fitz Villafuerte

Episode 3: Experts Interview 101 with Genesis Reonico

A few days ago I announced that I will be interviewing Sir Richard Viador and I asked you to send me questions that you wanted to know about writing and publishing a Physical book.

Most of you send your questions and now is the time to know the answers.

And last Tuesday, I interviewed him and he answered everything and provided, even more, value to all of those who has a dream to publish a physical book and become a speaker in the near future.

To those who don’t know him yet, he is one of the sought after speaker and author in our country.

He is the Ceo and Founder of Dreamship Inspirations Inc. (A consulting and training company).

And Author of the book entitled: Follow your Dreamship -How to Discover your ark of Success and become the master of your dreams.

After watching this interview, you’ll learn:
*How He transitioned from being street children – To Seaman – And to finally become an Author and Speaker.

* How to Find your true purpose.

*Benefit of being a published author and how can you experience this.

*Disadvantages of not having a physical book.

*How to conquer your fears.

*Good printing company that is affordable for all starters.

And much more…

I’m planning to take this recording down after a week because I will make new programs and upgrade the learnings.

So please do your best to watch this within this week.

Click here to watch the full recording

P.s.: I want to serve you more to make your dreams of having a physical book and be one of the sought after speaker in our country for the purpose of Glorifying God.

To serve you better, I want to know..
“What is your single biggest question about publishing a physical book and becoming one of the sought after speaker?”
What makes you stuck now, and what specific help do you need?

Hit the comment button below, or email me directly at and I will do my best to help you with that.

Thanks to my super supportive Classmate, Billie Bautista (Pocket Size Life Coach) for helping me to make this splendid interview episode.

Get Free E-book of Marife Rosas and “Discover How to Effectively Use Your God-given Talents for Profit & Purpose”


Praying for your Success and Happiness,







Founder of Christian Infopreneurs Academy
Author/Infopreneur/Financial Advocate


Author, book, Consulting Company, dreamship, inspiration, Richard Viador, seaman, Speaker, writer

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